Digital & Innovative Program

Our Digital & Innovative Education program leverages technology and innovative methods to improve education in crisis-affected areas. Our subcategories under this program aim to bridge the digital divide and provide access to quality education.

Our Digital Literacy initiative provides training and resources to help students and teachers develop essential digital skills, such as basic computer skills, online safety, and digital citizenship.

Our Ask a Teacher edtech program connects students with teachers and mentors through digital platforms, providing access to educational resources, guidance, and support.

Our Cattlekeepers Mobile Schools initiative brings education to remote and hard-to-reach areas, using mobile classrooms and digital resources to provide quality education to students.

By partnering with our Digital & Innovative Education program, you can help:

  • Increase access to quality education for students in crisis-affected areas

  • Improve digital literacy and skills for students and teachers

  • Provide innovative and effective education solutions

  • Bridge the digital divide and promote digital inclusion

Join us in our mission to harness the power of technology and innovation to improve education and empower students in crisis-affected areas.


Digital Literacy

Cattlekeepers Mobile Schools