Our Thematic Areas


Education is main key thematic areas in Education Action in Crisis. It recognizes the importance of ensuring access to quality education for children and young people affected by emergencies, such as natural disasters, conflicts, or pandemics.

The aim is not only to provide temporary relief but also to build long-term resilience and ensure the continuity of learning for affected individuals.

By prioritizing education in emergencies, we can empower communities, mitigate the negative impacts of emergencies, and pave the way for a brighter future.


Protection is a crucial component within Education Action in Crisis. It encompasses various measures aimed at ensuring the safety, well-being, and rights of women, children and youth affected by emergencies.

These measures include safeguarding against physical and psychological harm, preventing and addressing violence, exploitation, and abuse, as well as promoting inclusivity and non-discrimination.


Education is crucial in various areas, and one of these important areas is WASH. Our organization Education Action in Crisis (EAC) recognizes the significance of WASH and has made it one of their key thematic areas of focus. EAC strives to educate and create awareness about WASH-related issues.

By providing education on WASH, EAC aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote good hygiene practices, prevent the spread of diseases, and improve overall health and well-being.


Food security and livelihood is a crucial focus for Education Action in Crisis (EAC), an organization dedicated to addressing educational needs in crisis-affected areas.

In order to ensure the well-being and stability of communities, EAC provides education services that empower individuals with the skills necessary to promote food security and sustainable livelihoods.


Health is considered one of the crucial thematic areas in education during times of emergencies.

In such situations, ensuring the well-being and proper physical and mental health of individuals becomes paramount.

The provision of quality healthcare services is essential to maintain a conducive learning environment.

By addressing health-related challenges, education systems can better support students' overall development and academic success.