What's AskaTeacher?


AskaTeacher is an educational APP & SMS-based Subscription Service which allows students to access daily lessons and Direct Support from teachers.

This initiative uses the power of technology to reach even the remotest learners to gain access to quality education services with the use of GSM phones.

Learners with smart phones can also download the app from the google play stores and access localized education contents without spending big on textbooks and hiring expensive tutors.

Uses of Technology in Other Countries

  • Kenya –Dadaab and Kakuma Refugee Camps –Instant Network Schools by UNHCR and Vodafone

  • D.R. Congo –In Bakavu and camps

  • South Sudan –Ajuongthok Refugee camp

  • Syria

  • Lebanon


About South Sudan

  1. South Sudan population (Approx. 12 million)

  2. Children population total (Approx. 4 million)

  3. 1.4 million primary school children

  4. 57,000+ Enrolled in high school

  5. Drop out rate (from 2.2 million in 2018 to 2.8 million in 2020) –i.e. 70%

  6. 36,000 child marriage cases (Top 10 worldwide)

  7. Literacy rate in South Sudan is 27% (Lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa)

Our Edtech Solutions

Application of AskaTeacher Technology
  • Most people own mobile phones than books by either learners, parents or guardians.

  • We leverage their available resources to deliver education services.

  • Learners with smartphones can download AskaTeacher app while those with GSM phones can receive daily lessons via SMS.

Sustainability of AskaTeacher Edtech project

Poverty –Families relies on girls for dowry- Girls are restricted from visiting libraries out of fear that they will be impregnated.

AskaTeacher deliver content to these young girls through their phones or for their parents at the comfort of their homes.

Equity –The rich parents can buy books while the poor parents cannot afford.

Through AskaTeacher, we deliver quality education services to the children of the rich and poor alike.

Covid-19 Pandemic –Closure of schools -AskaTeacher deliver content beyond Covid-19 and keep learners engage.