Creating a Lasting Solution to Education Crisis in South Sudan

Join EAC in its mission to provide quality education to children in South Sudan.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality education to children, our teachers and our communities in South Sudan by working with communities, government and partners in a sustainable manner.

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Our Programs

We implement programs that improve the quality of education, promote gender equality, and increase access to education for all children, teachers and our communities in South Sudan.

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Get Involved

Join us in our mission to provide quality education to children, our teachers and our communities in South Sudan. Your support can make a difference in the lives of thousands.

About us

Education Action in Crisis (EAC) is a national NGO based in South Sudan with a primary focus on creating a lasting solution to education crisis in South Sudan. Our goal is to provide quality education to all children, our teachers and our communities in South Sudan, especially those affected by conflict and displacement.

Together, we can create a brighter future for the children of South Sudan.